Tim Buttrey has been devoted to full-time ministry since 1984, and his passion for healing relationships continues to drive his work as the President and Co-Founder of True Relationships. When Tim, and others on the team, discovered the research Dr. John Gottman did identifying what causes marriages to succeed or fail they signed up for his training. Tim has completed The Gottman Institute's Level Two training in the Gottman Method. Tim also is as Certified Trainer in The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. What excites Tim most about his role is witnessing the incredible transformation that happens when broken relationships are restored. He often reflects, “There’s nothing more fulfilling than seeing a couple, once filled with hopelessness and pain, rediscover their love and begin to heal—moving past the struggles that almost tore them apart.” Specializing in Relationship Intensives, Tim focuses on helping couples navigate crises and find their way back to each other. Tim firmly believes in the God of the Bible, who promises, “See, I am doing a new thing! Don’t you see it?”
When he is not seeing couples, Tim facilitates growth and healing in individuals as well. Tim believes everything rises and falls on relationships. A very high percentage of clients are working through trauma, false beliefs, and other unhealthy behaviors and emotions inflicted on them at the hands of someone they trusted or loved.